Hello All!
Well, as I've recently learned that I will be venturing out across the Atlantic yet again to spend another year in Europe, I thought that this time it would fun to start a blog. I'll be assistant teaching English through Spain's Cultural Ambassadors program for the full school year, and so thought it would a good idea to send updates to everyone back home via the world-wide interweb!! (Thank you, technology.) I've been assigned to the region of Galicia, which makes up the north-western tip of Spain, directly above Portugal. It should rain a lot there. It's a semi-autonomous region, similar to the Basque country in that the people have maintained a unique language (gallego), and culture that are vastly different from the rest of the country. Galicia was conquered by the Celts, so its cultural heritage is more aligned with Ireland than say, Andalusia. Anyway, more on the history later.
At this point, I am still waiting for the packet mailed from my regional consulate which will give me information about the specific city I'll be teaching in, what age group I'll have, and the actual dates of the school year. I also have yet to acquire a visa. So, at this point, it is more than possible that everything will fall through, and this blog will be much shorter than anticipated. However, hopefully this lovely little web page of mine will help map my journey this year, as I leave the good ol' USA yet again, seeking who knows what, and learning a new language and lifestyle in the process.
Hope this works!